As you may recall from an earlier section, I’ve shared with you my somewhat painful experience of the “how to flip houses in five simple steps” eBook lead magnet. Yes, it was a great lead magnet and generated a ton of leads. As a 70-page book that taught you everything you needed to know about flipping houses, it definitely helped a lot of people. The problem was that because we gave them everything in that one eBook, it didn’t help my customer’s business very much.
The problem was that we didn’t splinter out one little part of the paid product.
The problem was clear (“I don’t know how to flip houses”), and the solution helped them get closer to their goal, but the whole thing wasn’t in line with our business objectives. So we went back to the drawing board and did some research on our customer’s avatar. We then asked ourselves these three questions:
1.What are our prospect’s desires?
2.What does our prospect want more than anything else?
3.What do we have as a part of our product that will move our prospect towards achieving the one thing they want more than anything else?
In the guitar niche, this is fairly straightforward. For our hard rock guitar players who want to play like Eddie Van Halen, it’s simple. They want to learn how to play his most famous guitar songs like Eruption, Spanish Fly, Jump, Running with the Devil, or Somebody Get Me a Doctor.
Some of our ad copy for that avatar is along the lines of:
1.Want to play those Van Halen songs you’ve always wanted to play ever since you were in high school?
2.Learn how to play like Eddie Van Halen!
3.Struggling to play Eruption and can’t get the fingering down?
With your hook, you must get super specific with your prospect on one particular thing. All these do just that.
To get even deeper into the mind of your prospect, ask a follow-up question on why they really want this. Write it down. Then ask it again: why do they want this? Write it down. Then ask as many times necessary, why do they want this? Ask enough times until you get to the desire behind the desire.
When you’ve identified that specific desire behind the desire, think about the end benefit that fulfilling that desire brings. From our rough ad copy above, this now becomes: “Learn how to play like Eddie Van Halen so you can impress your friends” or “Learn how to play like Eddie Van Halen so you can steal the show at the next family reunion.”
In short:

Whether you know it or not, you’re now starting to craft your actual ad copy you’ll be using in your ads.
The formula looks like this:
They want [specific desire] so that they can [benefit].
Write out about a dozen of these and keep writing—even if they’re really bad at first. With enough brainstorming, you’ll find the perfect match of a specific desire and benefit you can then use to hack the hook.
Facebook Business: MOVE TOWARDS DESIRE
Reviewed by The hand of the king
September 28, 2019

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